Achieve Your 4S Label with viAct

Achieve Your 4S Label with viAct

Getting a 4S Label Just Got Easier with viAct!🚀‌

The Development Bureau (DEVB) and Construction Industry Council (CIC) in Hong Kong now require $30M+ valuation projects to adopt Smart Site Safety Systems (4S). 🏗️‌

viAct’s AI-powered solution can help you get recognised as a 4S Pioneer in the industry. Applicable from July 1, 2024, viAct’s Smart Site Safety System fulfils the mandate with:‌

🛡️Enhanced Safety Standards with data driven insights
📈Improved Operational Efficiency with digital permits
🌿Sustainability Focus with improved ESG scores
🤖Smart Technology Integration to improve coordination at work
📋Transparency and Accountability with real-time monitoring‌

Achieve Your 4S Label with viAct Today!🎯‌

Book a Demo ➡️

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viAct - Leading Construction AI Company in Asia
viAct - Leading Construction AI Company in Asia

Written by viAct - Leading Construction AI Company in Asia

Automate Construction Monitoring — viAct uses AI + IoT + 5G with vision technology to optimize construction safety and productivity!

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