Into the Red Zone: AI’s Watchful Eye on Drilling Rigs
Do you know the possibilities of red zone injuries can range from a minor incident such as having just a pinch in the finger of a worker to an accident turning into a fatality? 🤕
But now advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics have equipped drilling floors with a watchful eye — a vigilant guardian against the perils of the red zone. 📹🤖
Here are the key features of AI that engulfs viAct’s Red Zone Management:
🟠 Red Zone Intrusion Alerts
🟠 Work Area Heat Maps
🟠 Equipment Malfunction Detection
🟠 User-Friendly HSE Reporting tool
Learn more in the latest article 🔗 Into the Red Zone: AI’s Watchful Eye on Drilling Rigs
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